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July 2023 Music HUB

KS3 visited Lewisham Music Club to learn about Music Tech and production.

JG went to Lewisham music hub and walked through the park. They have really benefited from having previous sessions and are now able to be much more independent when making and sharing their music. Thank you to Joy who taught us how to use Logic Pro today at the hub.

G, year 7:

‘We went to Lewisham Music and learned how to use Logic and made beat. We were singing and rapping and then on the way back to school, we had a race to get an ice-cream.

To be fair, it was a great day.


A year 7:

Last Thursday we went to Lewisham Music. We made great beats on Logic. Some people could rap to their beats, which was amazing.

I hope we can visit there again.

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