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Internet Safety

The following documents are to help students and parents understand the importance of internet safety in schools.

Parental Controls


The NSPCC has a handy guide about how to set up effective parental controls: Parental Controls to Keep Your Child Safe | NSPCC


Internet Matters have a similar guide, which you might prefer: Parental Controls & Privacy Settings Guides | Internet Matters


Advice on Games Consoles


Internet Matters also have a section with advice on games consoles: Games console for your child: What you need to know | Internet Matters

It has buying tips, as well as guidance on setting controls and time limits, options to prevent in-app purchases, plus information on PEGI age ratings.  It might be useful to know something we were informed at some online safety training earlier this week that the PEGI (Pan-European Game Information) age ratings can be different to those shown in the app stores.  This is because the app creators can set their own age suggestions, but these might be less stringent than those set by PEGI.  


Online Safety Advice


CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command) have an education programme called 'Thinkuknow'.  They have an array of online safety advice that can be filtered by age, topic and content type

Get advice (


Internet Matters, also have a variety of other helpful pages

App guides: Apps guide for parents | Internet Matters

Social Media guide (including suggested age ratings): What age can my child start social networking? - Internet Matters

Gaming Advice hub: Gaming Advice Hub - Internet Matters

Reporting issue and getting help: Report online issues to protect your child | Internet Matters


We hope you find this information helpful.

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