Contact Details
- 0208 695 2380
New Woodlands School, 49 Shroffold Road, Downham, Bromley, Kent, BR1 5PD
Reading at New Woodlands School
On entry to New Woodlands School every child is assessed for their reading age and their phonics knowledge. This allows us to identify from the start if a child requires additional support or a bespoke intervention to help them with their reading.
If a child requires further teaching of phonics and reading skills, they will have daily sessions of Read, Write Incwhich is a phonics reading scheme designed to provide them with the tools and knowledge to become a confident reader.
Reading support in school is delivered through daily groups and one to one reading with an adult. Reading books are sent home daily for parents/carers to listen to their child read and regular assessments are completed. We also use a programme called Reading Wise in Key Stage 2 and with selected Key Stage 3 students, which is an interactive programme using the computer to support their progress in reading.
At the end of year one pupils will take the phonics screening check in addition to the school assessments. We carry out the screening in a relaxed and non-stressful environment.
At New Woodlands we teach our children phonics using the Dfe's approved Twinkl phonics scheme. Twinkl Phonics is a fully comprehensive, synthetic phonics teaching programme designed to be used with children from nursery to year 2. Delivered through the stories and adventures of Kit, Sam and the Twinkl Phonics family, the scheme builds and develops the skills and understanding children need to become effective and independent readers and writers.
What is the phonics screening check?
“The phonics screening check is a short, simple assessment to make sure that all pupils have learned phonic decoding to an appropriate standard by the age of 6. All year 1 pupils in maintained schools, academies and free schools must complete the check.
The phonics check will help teachers identify the children who need extra help so they can receive the support they need to improve their reading skills. These children will then be able to retake the check in year 2.
The check comprises a list of 40 words and non-words which the child will read one-to-one with a teacher.”
As children progress through the school they will have access to a broad range of texts, which encourage them to read for pleasure.
We aim for every child to leave New Woodlands Primary school as a confident reader with a thirst for knowledge.
New Woodlands School, 49 Shroffold Road, Downham, Bromley, Kent, BR1 5PD