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  • HMS Belfast June 24

    Wed 03 Jul 2024

    Humanities and English trip D-Day celebrations

    Year 7 visited the famous HMS Belfast shortly after the 80th anniversary of D-Day to learn about this important historic event. We had a great day aboard the ship and were able to explore all the cabins and decks. It was a fantastic day out that taught us about World War II and gave us yet another opportunity to explore our capital city.

  • Vote for Schools

    Tue 02 Jul 2024

    Assembly 23-24

    Autumn Term




    Being scared of failure


    British History and Artefacts


    Supermarkets and the economy


    Black women’s role in History


    Facts or opinions in news


    General election – is it pointless


    Conflicts Israel and Palestine


    Being a supportive friend in bereavement




    Adverts and Christmas Spirtit

  • Back to school Give away

    Wed 15 May 2024

    Back to school give away event in Lewisham Shopping centre in the summer holidays

  • Farah Careers morning 2024

    Thu 18 Apr 2024

    Students looked at their strengths and worked on their Careers Profiles.

    Lots of great discussions took place.

    Well done Farah !!!

  • Don Rae – The Little Mermaid

    Wed 31 Jan 2024

    Don came to visit on Friday 8th December and the whole school were really excited.  Each class participated in a 30min workshop with Don and his team.  They worked hard and quickly learned their parts in the play.  At 2pm all the classes met in the hall to perform together.  It all went very well as always and the children all really enjoyed the day.

    Thanks Don – we all look forward to the next one! I wonder what the theme will be next time

  • Year 9 NHS Careers presentation by Governor Devon Elliott Friday 26th January 24

    Wed 31 Jan 2024
  • Years 9-11 Careers -learning about the NHS jobs and opportunities

    Wed 31 Jan 2024

    A big thanks for coming to visit and present on Friday the 26th January to our Years 9s and KS4 pupils Devon Elliot who works in the NHS and is a School Governor with a presentation and fun activities about the many different careers in the NHS

  • Year 10 and Year 11 Careers Interviews

    Wed 31 Jan 2024

    Congratulations to all of those who took part in the careers interview last Friday ( 26/1/24) with Dr Jamie Maddock from Quilter Associates. The morning was spent going over CV’s and employment skills. Dr Maddock was very impressed with New Woodlands School and the careers provision. He looks forward to coming in again next year. A special mention goes out to Hannarly Wilmot (above) in LH. Hannarly was certainly the best dressed and spoke very eloquently about his ambitions once he leaves school.

  • Mandela Class trip to Science Museum 25-01-2023

    Wed 31 Jan 2024

    Mandela Class had the opportunity to travel to London to visit the Science Museum with Ms. Jean-Paen.  Spread across seven different zones, the class had the opportunity to interact with real scientific phenomena in the Wonder Lab. We saw lightning strike before our eyes, experience how sound waves create a disturbance in water and how thermal imaging cameras work.   

    Around the rest of the museum we saw old airplanes like Spitfires, space rockets and re-entry pods and sculptures and vintage cars among other interesting inventions. 

  • The Tower of London

    Wed 20 Dec 2023

    On Wednesday 13th December, The Nest visited the Tower of London to consolidate their learning in History. Their topic for the Autumn Term was The Battle of Hastings. The original Tower of London was built by the Normans following the invasion led by William the Conqueror. The children were able to see how the Tower has been used through history as a fortress, a prison and a palace and how it has changed through time to suit its purpose.

    Here, we saw a painting of what the original Tower looked like when it was first being built by the Normans. We also saw some of the original Norman features including the foundations and a fireplace. It was interesting to see the wooden mask of William the Conqueror and also the armour that he would have worn.



    We saw lots of other interesting things including the Ravens which live at the tower.

    We saw The Crown Jewels (but we weren’t allowed to take photos of them), the guards and lots of weapons. We also learnt about the different animals which were kept at the tower including a polar bear! Ryan even sat on an old toilet which was just a hole in the wall.

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