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New Woodlands School

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Our Values & Ethos

In anything we do for the pupils we must be thoroughly prepared, totally committed and hugely enthusiastic because we never want to think afterwards “What a wasted opportunity”. We are a first choice school for parents within Lewisham local authority, for children and young people identified with specific needs. Our desire to get better, ability to try new things and learn from our errors, our blatant refusal to stand still and our commitment to make it happen must be at the heart of everything we do.


We aim to help each student by:

  • Developing their talents and aspirations
  • Celebrating cultural and social diversity and recognising them as strengths
  • Offering them the opportunities to reach their full potential academically and socially so that they have the necessary skills to become life long learners


To support this aim we:

  • Promote and expect high standards of work and behaviour
  • Provide a safe and supportive learning environment
  • Provide high quality teaching, encouragement and individual attention
  • Offer a relevant curriculum with differentiated work
  • Promote self-esteem
  • Celebrate success


Our Vision

To be the most effective and innovative mixed provision for pupils with SEMH in key stages 1-4


Our Mission

We aim for every pupil to achieve his or her full potential. Every student will leave New Woodlands literate, numerate and with the functional communication and self regulation skills to participate in society including education, training and employment.

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