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Anti-Bullying Week 2021: ONE KIND WORD

This year’s Anti-Bullying Week ran from Monday 15th November to Friday 19th November and the theme was “One Kind Word.” We used resources from the anti-bullying alliance to deliver an assembly to introduce this year’s message:

“In a world that can sometimes feel like it’s filled with negativity, one kind word can provide a moment of hope. It can be a turning point. It can change someone’s perspective. It can change their day. It can change the course of a conversation and break the cycle of bullying. Best of all, one kind word leads to another. Kindness fuels kindness. So from the playground to Parliament, and from our phones to our homes, together, our actions can fire a chain reaction that powers positivity. It starts with one kind word. It starts today.” (Anti-bullying Alliance)

After this, all students chose one kind word, which they wrote onto an inflated balloon which we then used to make a display in the reception area. Each day that week, students were greeted by an arch of kind words to start their day positively.

Throughout the week we took part in a range of lessons planned by the anti-bullying alliance. We then acted as anti-bullying agony aunts and responded in role to people who found themselves in a range of bullying scenarios.

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