Contact Details
- 0208 695 2380
New Woodlands School, 49 Shroffold Road, Downham, Bromley, Kent, BR1 5PD
A message form Pinaki Ghoshal, Lewisham’s Executive Director for Children and Young People and Angela Scattergood, Director of Education.
The Mayor of Lewisham, Damien Egan has published a statement on behalf of Lewisham Council in response to the killing of George Floyd in the United States. You can read the full statement here:
We believe that our schools and settings are key to tackling racism and other forms of discrimination. We will support all Lewisham schools and settings in their commitment to standing against racism and injustice, alongside and in solidarity with the local and global Black community.
New Woodlands School is a place where regardless of your race, sexuality, gender or religion you are welcomed and supported. We are committed and believe in our core values for everyone – Achievement, Safety, Progress, Independence, and Education for all.
Here at New Woodlands we stand with our BAME community in condemning racism.
New Woodlands School, 49 Shroffold Road, Downham, Bromley, Kent, BR1 5PD