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New Woodlands letter to the NHS

Re - Thanking the NHS

Dear all staff at the NHS

Our school has been open this week to try and support parents who are key workers and any families the school can help too.

We have learnt a lot from our teachers and have washed our hands (for 20 seconds) a lot and are trying really hard at social distancing.

We have been doing a little bit of work, but teachers have let us have some fun as well. We have had lots of games times and also art which we love!

Whilst in Art we came us with the idea of how we want to thank the Doctors and Nurses helping and as well as the big clap we wanted to display a gesture in school.

Please see the photos of the banner we made and we want to say a big thank you to all the NHS and people who are supporting us.


New Woodlands Pupils

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