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New Woodlands School

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The Nest's Visits

The Nest’s Educational Visit to Lewisham Sivan Temple

On Wednesday 26th February we visited the Hindu Temple as part of our R.E. learning and British Values. In class we have been learning about Hinduism including their main beliefs, important symbols and their meanings, celebrations and rituals. This visit gave us the opportunity to visit the special place of worship for Hindus and observe first-hand the Puja rituals which is how they pray. We were also able to see a Hindu Priest in his traditional outfit and hear him chanting. We had to take our shoes off before we entered the main hall which contains the shrines. This is done to show respect. Surprisingly the tiled floor was heated underneath so our feet felt warm. The rest of our senses were also engaged, we could hear the prayer bell ringing, smell the incense burning and see beautifully detailed Murtis’ (statues of Hindu Gods)  inside the shrines.


The Nest’s Visit to Lewisham Migration Museum

Inside Lewisham shopping centre, a new free museum has opened to the public to share the history and stories of migration related to the people of Lewisham. We enjoyed looking at the exhibitions and taking part in drawing our own portraits to add to the museum which celebrate the diversity of the population of people living in Lewisham.


The Nest’s Geography Field Trip Studying the Local Area

In Geography we have been learning about our local area. To get a better understanding of the features of Lewisham we took the 136 bus from Downham, through Catford and got off in Lewisham. We enjoyed sitting on the top deck of the bus and looking out the windows for the different places on our eye spy sheet. We named and tallied the different buildings and features we saw including schools, churches, post offices, hospital and Mosques. In Lewisham we walked around the town centre and saw the River Quaggy, police station, Hindu temple, shopping centre, market, DLR, train station and lots of shops and restaurants. On the journey back we looked at the different types of homes and also the different types of food restaurants that are available to eat it.


The Nest’s Visit to the Earthquakes and Volcanoes exhibition in the National History Museum

This term our topic has been Tremors and we have been learning all about our planet and its structure. At the museum we learnt lots about how volcanoes are made and how they change the surface of the planet. We also learnt how the tectonic plate movements can cause earthquakes and the effects these can have on people’s daily lives around the world. We really enjoyed going inside the pretend supermarket and feeling the ground move like in an earthquake. This felt strange and scary. We also had the chance to learn all about the different types of rocks, fossils and minerals that can be found on Earth. We are looking forward to doing experiments on rocks when we get back to school.

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