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Update letter

Dear Parent/Carer 


I hope you are all keeping safe during these difficult and unprecedented times.  Our priority is to keep your children accessing education and safe.  By now all class teachers would have contacted you in relation to your son/daughter and whether they are attending school or accessing remote learning. 


All children at home or in school in KS 1 - 4 will be offered a full curriculum this will either be via Teams (KS 3 & 4) or Purple Mash (KS 1 & 2).  We really need your support in ensuring that whilst your child is participating in home learning they attend on-line live lessons timetabled in KS 3 & 4 or complete work in Purple Mash (KS 1 & 2). Teachers will be contacting you twice a week to support the learning that is taking place at home. 


You can contact teachers via emails below with any concerns or for any extra support your children need. 


KS 3 & 4 

DL – Danny Loughnane – 

SB – Siobhan Barrett – 

CH – Con Hatzidakis – 

RG – Rebecca Glover – 

AN – Angie Nguyen – 

JG – Jane Gallant – 

LH – Lisa Hutton – 

DF – Daniel Flemming – 


KS 1 & 2 

CM – Claire McSweeney – 

SD – Sophie Downer – 

KL – Kira Lye – 

GD – Glen Divers – 

JP – Janet Parker – 

MH – Mark Hollidge – 

LJ – Lance Josephy – 

The school office is also open so you can call the school as normal during school working hours.  Please check our website regularly for updates.  On our school website you will also find resources and signposting to support yourself and your children's mental health and well being. 


At present we are updating our whole school Risk Assessment which, as you can imagine, is an ongoing process.  We welcome any suggestions you may have in relation to this document.  Please email me directly – 


As a further measure to keep your children and our staff safe we are beginning to administer lateral flow tests once a week for staff and phase in testing for KS 3 & 4 students over the next two weeks.  Permission letters for KS 3 & 4 will be available on our website and emailed home to you shortly. 


To minimise further contact staff are now working on a rota and due to your support we have been able to reduce the number of students attending school.  If your circumstances change in relation to addressing the needs and education of your children at home please contact: 

Ms Carlie Warner (KS 1 & 2) - or Ms Tomlinson-Cole (KS 3 & 4) - to discuss what we can do to support you further 


I want to finish by saying thank you for your continued support during these difficult times.  Please follow the guidance and keep yourselves and your families safe. 


Yours faithfully 


Carlie Warner


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